What an easy game

Life really isn’t all that difficult.  In fact, I think that’s one of our problems.  We as an industrialized, civilized, modern, democratic society have become so proficient at playing the game of life, we have, for the most part, beat it.  The simple act of survival and even thriving with minimum standards of sucess is really pretty easy.  In fact, it is expected now.  I more than take it for granted that I have shelter, food, transportaion, and family. I will go the next step and say that I even take it for granted that I have a nice shelter, healthy food, comfortable car, and a well connected social network.  Sure I work hard, but so does everyone else, and once you have those basic requirements of survival, life becomes kind of boring sometimes.  Our wireless society has become so hyper efficient, it takes mere minutes of my time to ensure that my survival is guaranteed (and even insured!) for the forseeable future.

What does that leave us with, if survival is not a consideration.  I don’t see how we can’t get into trouble.  That is a natural byproduct of having too much free time.  Society has convinced themselves they don’t have enough time, but when you start cutting out all the meaningless things people do, you quickly realize life can be lived in far less than 24 hours a day.  over the past couple months Neisha and I have been cutting the fat from our life.  We canceled our gym membership, personal trainer, kids play area membership, football season tickets, etc (the list goes on).  It not only saved us a lot of money, but also created more free time to focus on something else.  It has taken some transition, but I am happy to say one of the things that has gotten more of my attention now is my personal faith.  The faith aspect of my life has flurished lately, and I know that is only the beginning.

With my game of life (read: survival) effectivly beaten, I look forward to a new game.  An internal game with a set of rules that I am just discovering.  A good challenge is a great thing, and my mind has been opened for possibilities.

Wow. It's Quiet Here...

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