
Vacation, what a great concept.  It even makes me happy to think about it and write about it.  Whenever I start day dreaming about vacation, the first thing I think of is always a quiet beach with clear water.  I’m sitting in a chair with a drink in my hand, enjoying my busy day of doing nothing.  The vision is much like a Corona commercial.

I think it’s time that we take a vacation, but I need to make some changes first.  I currently have too many things on hold and need to get my life back on track moving toward a set of goals.  Once that happens, I can take my vacation.  I think the vacation will be my reward and motivation to get my life moving again.

A few things that need to be taken care of before I can take my vacation:

1. Get the Tamarack house rented  or sold.  I need to get the house generating revenue to take the mortgage burden off of me.  That will slowly kill me if not

2. Come up with a list of activities that our whole family can enjoy that we can do together.  With two young kids at home, I have found it difficult to know what we do as a family to stay entertained.  I don’t want to push the kids too hard, but I also get bored sitting at home.

3. Set up a personal investment account and re-work our family budget to include pre-school costs.  We have changed our life a good bit since I left ARS, and our budget needs to change to reflect that.

4. Get the doughnut company generating revenue.  There is no reason the donut company can’t start generating some income to be used on long term strategy and planning for the family.  This should also take some pressure off the job search as well

5. Get the ball rolling on a job search again.  I stopped pushing the job search, and it is time to start pushing that again.  I can’t rely on Newell to come through with something.

This is a good list.  Enough stuff to be complete, but not too much to be impossible.

Man, my vacation is going to be fun!!!

Wow. It's Quiet Here...

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