Do you think she was happy?

It’s great to see that the news talks about stories that are more than doom, gloom, death, and destruction.  Here is an interesting story about a quiet old small town woman who lived way below her means and amassed a small fortune before she died.  Her wealth was not public and in her will, she wanted all the money to be spent on improving her home town, a small place with a population of around only 1,500 people.

Old woman leaves unknown fortune to community

So there is no doubt that this woman has done a good thing, giving all of her money to her community, but something about this got me thinking.  Do you think she was happy?  Obviously this short news clip doesn’t give us enough information to guess at an answer, but try to put yourself in her shoes (with a zipper for shoe laces!!!).  I would love to had a conversation with this lady about what her goals were when she started investing money many years ago and find out what she would say is her purpose in life.  Maybe she didn’t have any goals, and it was just a game to see how much she could make.

Wow. It's Quiet Here...

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