Life’s Tool Bag

I get frustrated when I have to interact with people who go through life with an empty tool bag.  When I say people are missing “tools” I am referring to life’s resources that you should be using to live a successful and fulfilling life.  When your tool bag is full, you will find yourself prepared to handle the curve balls life throws at you.  When you can handle your problems properly the first time you come across them, your quality of life will dramatically increase.  I don’t know of a single person that will argue that.  The more prepared you are to handle adversity, the better life is.

I hope at this point you are agreeing with me if for nothing else, common sense.  Why is it then that so many people fumble their way through life with an empty tool bag.  Families who have history of empty tool bags continue to pass on their empty bag to their children by failing to teach their kids that there are better ways to do things.  How do you break that cycle?  I often try to figure out how I filled my own tool bag to cope with life.  It is a long term process that happens after living through different life experiences and being aware of cause and effect relationships during those experiences.  Once you are able to look at life from the right perspective, it is an easy process that is self-fulfilling.  By that I mean that the more tools I have in my bag, the easier it is for me to build new tools for new situations.  That allows me to quickly adapt to life as I find myself in new situations while I grow as a person.

A full life is really pretty easy to build if you have the rights tools in your bag.  Maybe it’s time for you to take an inventory of what you got.

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