Passing The Hate Ball

I think I writing this post now to finally get this out of my head so I can move on.  I got a call this morning from a telemarketing company and I haven’t been able to shake it.  The guy called like most telemarketers with a terrible pitch.  You immediately know it is a bogus phone call.  They mispronounce the name of the person they are trying to reach, and they are really unprofessional.  Why is that?  If your job is to sell things on the phone, wouldn’t you make a better effort?  I don’t see how these people are effective at their job.  They can’t be successful.  When I told this particular gentleman this morning that the guy he was looking for was not here, he got upset with me.  I’m not really sure why he got upset, but then he lost it.  He started swearing at me and was over the top vulgar.  It was so offensive, I started to laugh.  At this point I thought it was a friend of mine playing a practical joke.  Caller ID had a blocked number but the company name came up as Tucker, Albin Associates.  When I started laughing, this set him off even worse and he started threatening me.  He told me he was going to kick my ass and stick his foot up my ass.  By now I realized this was not a practical joke.  I asked to speak with his supervisor, but that didn’t happen. he just kept going.  After a few minutes of antagonizing me he hung up the phone.

How did this happen.  Why did this man dial my companies number and proceed to harrass me.  No one from my company asked him to call me, and he obviously wasn’t to sell me anything with his behaviour.  At first I thought it was a waste of time, but now I see it wasn’t.  He was full of hate, and needed to let go of it.  He realized after a couple seconds on the phone his call was going nowhere.  My problem was, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.  He lost control of his hate, and let it go on me.  It’s really hard when someone passes you the hate ball not to take it.  Unfortunately, evil pays forward as quickly and easily as kindness.

When people are happy, it is incredible.  Everything is good.  Happy people have more patience and it is contagious.  Everybody wants to be happy if they had the choice.  So how then, if you are in a bad mood or just full of hate and bad thoughts do you get rid of it without passing it forward to someone else?  That man unfortunately tried to ruin my morning, and I’m not going to let that happen.

I’m Not Going to Accept The Hate Ball Today

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